pineapple heart

Monday, March 12, 2007

a conversation i keep forgetting to remember

Overheard in Chinatown, conversation between two teenagers.

One: Please, you can't even tell me she was a dude. You see that body? Bitch was all female. I could tell.

Two: You can't even neither, yo.

One: You cannot fake that sort of thing, brother. You can't.

Two: Whatever. I take you to some clubs, you won't even be able to tell which is dudes and which is ladies. I know places.

One: . . . Well. What do you wear to a place like that?

Two: Black shirt, black pants.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

i do now

This dkim poster on Etsy really speaks to me today.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

car commercials should be like this

Thursday, March 01, 2007

an embarrassment of friend wealth

My wonderful Emily darling threw me a surprise party for my birthday last night. I was so extremely touched (in a figurative way because even Jeffrey kept the groping to a minimum last night. Yay, Mr. Jeffrey! You're the Mayor!).

I would like to share two handcrafted gifts that display the depths to which my friends' veins of awesomitude run:

1. A six-legged lamb hand puppet named Spyder, courtesy of Daria and inspired by this article:

2. An exceptional work of art by Adam.

Also, I am now the owner of a superfly mindcrafted gift, given to me by Lanyard. It's a song about my dog to the tune of "The Ballad of John and Yoko." I sang it to Pelle this morning, and it seemed to calm him. Then he bit my armpit.