an embarrassment of friend wealth
My wonderful Emily darling threw me a surprise party for my birthday last night. I was so extremely touched (in a figurative way because even Jeffrey kept the groping to a minimum last night. Yay, Mr. Jeffrey! You're the Mayor!).
I would like to share two handcrafted gifts that display the depths to which my friends' veins of awesomitude run:
1. A six-legged lamb hand puppet named Spyder, courtesy of Daria and inspired by this article:

2. An exceptional work of art by Adam.

Also, I am now the owner of a superfly mindcrafted gift, given to me by Lanyard. It's a song about my dog to the tune of "The Ballad of John and Yoko." I sang it to Pelle this morning, and it seemed to calm him. Then he bit my armpit.
Huzzah! I was worried that you would think my gift was unforgivably lame. I basically banked on having enough friend-cred to create a protective bubble around me and my present, in your otherwise relentlessly clear-eyed critique-brayne. MY GAMBIT PAID OFF! I lub you. (chomps armpit)
P.S. Your brayne has eyes? I'm too lazy to rephrase that. Also, I laffed and laffed at "You're the Mayor!"
Happy birthday!
Thrillho U. Se, Esq.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Can you believe this seven-day time difference between Thailand and New York? Sounds like you had a great time & wish I could've been there, although your friends' gifts would surely have shamed me. Would you and Daria please please please go into business selling hand puppets/stuffed animals of the entire mutant menagerie? That is one of the best things I've ever seen. Miss you kilos. Love, Tom.
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