pineapple heart

Friday, February 09, 2007

thanks, you stupid dog.

Jen hates dogs. It makes her want to vomit when she thinks about people living in a small apartment with one. But when she came up to my place to meet Pelle, she tentatively told him, "You're cute. I mean, I don't want to touch you or anything, but you're kind of actually cute."

So Pelle was kind of well-behaved. Like, he tried to eat her shoe, but he stopped when I told him to stop. And he tried to lick her camera lens, but he climbed down from the couch when I commanded it. He sat when I said "sit" and he rolled onto his stomach when I said "down." So just when Jen and I were taking the elevator back downstairs and I thought I'd maybe convinced her that dogs are gross but mine wasn't all that bad, he peed all over her glossy patent leather flats.

I'm so sorry, Jen. Pelle isn't, but I really am.


Blogger lanyard said...

Pelle ad-campaign: "Life's Messy. Suck It Up!"

10:16 AM  
Blogger DMn said...

So it is neither foot fetishism nor sweet protectiveness that makes him curl around my tootsies, but THIS?

"That's a biscuit MINUS for you, buster."

10:56 AM  

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